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2024December22nd72711Christmas 2024: Red-shouldered Hawk
202324th72022Christmas 2023
202221st71021Winter Solstice 2022
202123rd70115Christmas 2021 Red & Green
August15th69849Mother's 100th birthday
2020December24th69325so much for 2020
201923rd68192Christmas 2019: Christmas Recycles
201824th67556Christmas 2018: Sing We Noel Once More
201723rd66954Christmas 2017
201624th66031Christmas 2016
201564407Christmas 2015
201462830Christmas 2014
201360843Christmas 2013
201258453Christmas 2012
201125th55932Christmas 2011
201053172Christmas 2010; Massacre of the Innocents
January14th50610Kingbird article on Western Reef-Heron
2009December25th50451Christmas 2009
June48953DMTree10 emblem
2008December47037Christmas 2008
200625th38784Christmas 2006
200531st34423Holiday Card 2005
January6th30570Epiphany: light in the dark
5th3055512th Day of Christmas: 11-14-04
4th3054311th Day of Christmas: 10-03-04
3rd3052810th Day of Christmas: 9-11-04
2nd305199th Day of Christmas: 8-17-04
1st305038th Day of Christmas, and New Year's Day
2004December31st304807th Day of Christmas: 6-8-04
30th304626th Day of Christmas: 5-15-04
29th304445th Day of Christmas: 4-19-04
28th304334th Day of Christmas: 3-17-04
27th304243rd Day of Christmas: 2-28-04
26th304212nd Day of Christmas: 1-28-04
25th30413Christmas 2004: wassail bowl
21st30370Winter Solstice: the collection
November25th30009Thanksgiving: aknowledgements
11th29852Veterans Day: men or myths?
October31st29683Halloween: spirits in prose
11th29415Columbus Day: sailing into the future
September22nd29170Autumnal Equinox: fall frenzy
6th29029Labor Day: back to work
July4th28196Independence Day: country or country?
June21st28003Summer Solstice: sweating it out
20th27996Fathers' Day: still learning
May31st27728Memorial Day: forgotten memories
9th27336Mother's Day: call mom
1st27182May Day: in and out of the woods
April11th26851Easter: where are we growing?
1st26710April Fools' Day: reign of laughter
March20th26512Vernal Equinox: blooming again
17th26462Saint Patrick's Day: line of march
6th26273Lent: meditations on gibson's passion
February25th26091Ash Wednesday: fat in the fire
16th25937Presidents' Day: but which one?
14th25910Valentine's Day: there's love and then there's love
2nd25573Groundhog Day: and lesser rodents
January19th25341Martin Luther King Day: overview
6th25103Epiphany: recognizing change
5th2507712th Day of Christmas: 11-15-03
4th2506611th Day of Christmas: 10-8-03
3rd2504810th Day of Christmas: 9-24-03
2nd250139th Day of Christmas: 8-18-03
1st249648th Day of Christmas: 7-17-03 & new year's day
2003December31st249157th Day of Christmas: 6-14-03
30th248496th Day of Christmas: 5-31-03
29th248265th Day of Christmas: 4-27-03
28th247804th Day of Christmas: 3-9-03
27th247083rd Day of Christmas: 2-17-03
26th246742nd day of Cristmas: 1-11-03
25th24655A Word to the Wise: merry christmas!
22nd24601Winter: in case you hadn't noticed
November27th24106First Harvest: thanksgiving sprouts
26th24092The Garden of Rejection: autumn says
11th23897Too Many, or Too Few? veterans that is
4th23828In Memoriam: loosing a friend
1st23794Ghostwood: halloween specters
October13th23594Finding the Way: a map better than columbus'
September23rd23397Autumnal Equinox: fall blows in
1st23205Holding Pattern: labor day suspended
August23rd23131Summer Hovers: like a waxwing
July22nd22886Happy Birthday: 150, and who's counting?
4th227504th of July: let's just call it the start of summer
June21st22648Solstice: summer storms
15th22610Dad was my Umbrella: unprotected
6th22532May or May Not: one last day
May26th22403Memorial Memo: into summer, out of a job
11th22181A Real Mother: as good as a metaphor
1st21941The Vultures of Spring: mayday! mayday!
April20th21793Easter 2003
1st21414Now I Get It: april is a fool's paradise
March26th21285A Red Spring: war and maple
20th21185Spring is a Garden Good Enough for Us: war won't get us there
17th21139Go Green: new symbol for st pats
5th20951Ash Wednesday: give it up
February25th20823Had Enough Yet? winter that is
17th20733Putting the Politics in Park: art in the park for presidents day
14th20714Valentine: a park in winter
2nd20596Groundhog Day: sleep in
January20th20465MLK Day: whatever you call it
7th20297We Now Return: still winter
6th20287Epiphany: more answers than questions
5th2026712th Day of Christmas: november
4th2025711th Day of Christmas: october
3rd2024210th Day of Christmas: september
2nd202229th Day of Christmas: august
1st202178th Day of Christmas: july & new year
2002December31st202107th Day of Christmas: june
30th202006th Day of Christmas: may
29th201795th Day of Christmas: april
201704th Day of Christmas: march
28th201593rd Day of Christmas: 2/2/02
26th201402nd Day of Christmas: january
25th20131Christmas? riddles
20130Descended from a Miracle: birthdays
22nd20107Solstice is here...and winter
17th20015Bellwether: song protest
November28th19692Thanksgiving from Austria
11th19558Inveterate: veteran's day
October31st19488Hallow It All: trick or treat?
14th19353No Vacancy: Columbus Day
September23rd19207Rising to the Occasion of Fall: pass it on
2nd19091Belabored: take a break
August13th18976The Evening and the Day: primrose & sunflower
1st18855In And Out Of Place: flit slits
July4th186174th of July: back from montana
June21st18512Summer Vacating: season for leaving
17th18478One in a Long Line: father's day
15th18475Conversation: with her
May27th18302Memorial Day: things to remember
12th18112Mother's Day: empty egg; full heart
1st17960May Day: a cherry without a stone
April29th17790Springs Progress: april alters
8th17138Daylife Time: can it be saved?
1st16851April and Its Fools: plenty to go around
March31st16809Back to Life: Easter
20th16381First Day of Spring: maple flowers (as always)
17th16258St Patrick's Day: is an owl green?
February18th15345President's Day: no hunting
14th15270Valentine's Day: hearts in darkness
13th15225Ash Wednesday: bare trees
2nd14890Interrupted: groundhog day
January21st14342MLK Day: mixed flocks
6th13550Epiphany: seeing what's revealed
5th1350612th Day of Christmas: november
4th1349311th Day of Christmas: october
3rd1346210th Day of Christmas: september
2nd134369th Day of Christmas: august
1st134118th Day of Christmas: july (& new year's day)
2001December31st133947th Day of Christmas: june
30th133666th Day of Christmas: may
29th133445th Day of Christmas: april
28th133284th Day of Christmas: march
27th132983rd Day of Christmas: february
132862nd Day of Christmas: year-in-review: january
25th13264Merry Christmas 2001: evergreen
22nd13217Solstice: winter, and the holidays, are here
November12115Giving and Getting Thanks
12th11714Veteran's Day in Time of War
6th1157212 month & a day: end of mourning
October31st11391a tree between for halloween
8th10521new world? columbus day
September22nd10027fall of towers
4th9483labor day, working and not
August29th9373squint and peer
9th8865can we keep it? some animals are wilder than others
July4th7713Fourth of July: scots in america
June21st7418Edge of Summer: 1st day at the reservoir
17th7316Fatherless Day: mourning, warblers and otherwise
13th7216New in Town: baby birds
May31st6750Put Away the Maypole: last of the merry month
30th6699Beech Party: ornamental trees
28th6642Memorial Day: with chestnuts
17th6248I Went Out One Morning in May: and kept going
13th6089Mother's Day: mine
2nd2624Branching In: excuses, excuses
1st2623Now is the Month of Maying: salutation
April26th2622Whipped: whip-poor-will and pussy willow
15th2621To Rise Again: easter
9th2620Hawking My Wares: red-tailed pics
1st2619Being a Fool: no secret
March22nd2618Strolling Into Spring: picture essay
20th2617First Day of Spring: salutation
17th2616For St Patrick's Day, Something Green: something green
9th2615Litter: winter at ground level
1st2614Ash Wednesday: woodcock for lent
February19th2613An Official US Government Holiday: presidents and pigeons
14th2612Valentine's Day: who gets to love?
2nd2611forecast follow-up
2610Shadowcaster: groundhog day (I've got mine)
January25th2609Settling into Winter: brrr
16th2608Martin Luther King Day: them and us
7th2607Epiphany: recognition
5th260612th Day of Christmas: november
4th260511th Day of Christmas: october
3rd260410th Day of Christmas: september
2nd26039th Day of Christmas: august
26028th Day of Christmas: july (and new year's)
2000December31st26017th Day of Christmas: june
30th26006th Day of Christmas: may
29th25995th Day of Christmas: april
28th25984th Day of Christmas: march
27th25973rd Day of Christmas: february
25962nd Day of Christmas: year in review: january
25th2595Merry Christmas: a few ornaments
2594The Night Before: lullaby card
21st2593Solstice: orientation
13th2592Fall and Mount: mourning with falcon
November23rd2591Thanksgiving: colors of fall
17th2590Wow: overcome
5th2589An Autumn Funeral: eulogy for my father
1st2588My Father Died This Day
October31st2587Halloween: the door between life and death
21st2586Fallling: leaves and lives
9th2585Columbus Day: invasive species
7th2584Tutti Frutti: fruits of fall
September30th2583Passsing Unseen: furtive seasons
22nd2582Autumnal Equinox: a place to perch
19th2581The Late Summer: while it lasts
12th2580Turn, and Return: home again
5th2579Labor Day: going under to work it out
August26th2578Setting Sail on a Sea of Briars: doing what must be done
14th2577Looking for the Future Among the Meadow Grasses: it's for you
12th2573Marginal Behavior: parade atrocities
4th2572Independence From...? 4th of july
June29th2571Home & Away: doodletown
21st2570Sweet and Stinky, Summer Arrives: smell the season
18th2569Fathers Day: only human
11th2568White Out: flower, flame or dove?
23rd2564The Robins of Spring: man & bird, bow & arrow
14th2563Mothers' Day: swan mom
9th2561Cuckoo! Cuckoo! the birds are here
1st2560A May Day Carol: sing it now
23rd2558Easter: looking forward
21st2557Is Today a Holiday? under-earth day
1st2551Key to the Mystery: fool!
17th2548St Patrick's Day: triple sentiments
8th2546Revelation Through Deprivation: ash wednesday
21st2543Presidents' Day: or not
14th2542Valentine's Day: offering a rose
2nd2538Groundhog Day: eat a marmot
1st2537What's in a Name? ask a sapsucker
17th2533Martin Luther King Day: juncos on the edge
6th2530Epiphany: wising up
12th2527Into the Funnel: two funnels make an hourglass