Here the trailing, bud-laden twigs of a Weeping Willow fill with morning sun, sending back green and yellow wavelengths, while feeding on the rest.
The tall, resolutely excurrent tree to the left is a Baldcypress. It's a relative of the Redwoods, and more at home in southern swamps, but it adapts well enough to our climate that it has become an ornamental option to the broadleaf trees. It's not doing much yet, but at the foot of the tree, leafy green groundcover is appearing, soon to bear tiny yellow flowers. I should say at its knees, for that is the name given to the odd woody growths it puts forth from its roots.
We'll have to return to the Baldcypress later, to see its leaves and fruits. It's one tree I didn't cover last year, and I hope to keep some variety coming, but then again, Spring is perhaps not so much about the new as the returning...