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Nov 23, 2000


Happy Thanksgiving from Reykjavik, where trees are few and stunted, but a fine time is being had by all travelers.
This is a relatively low-tech trip, and itīs about as much as I can do to get this minimal post up, but I do have things to be thankful for.
In the wake of my fatherīs death, I can safely say that the number one thing to give Thanks for is Life, with all its Mystery.
To live is to be caught up in a larger web of relationships. We have not just life, but Life. This is really what the Thanksgiving Holiday honors, by focusing on the food that sustains us, and binds us to the plants and animals we share our lives with.
To appreciate the colors of the trees, and not merely to harvest their fruits, is something I also give Thanks for, the gift of human consciousness.
The only way I know of thanking is to give back in kind what I have gained. So here, not from Iceland, but from Central Park, is one last glance at the colors of Fall.
Enjoy the Holiday.


Nov 17, 2000


[link] [1 ref]

Nov 04, 2000

An Autumn Funeral

The Eulogy for My Father
[link] [2 refs]

Nov 01, 2000

My father died this day
in the first hour
as All Hallows Eve
slipped into All Saints’ Day.
Sainted his memory.
Hallowed his name.
The Love he lived
will power prayers for him.
He who taught me
now has learned
the Mystery.
Be at Peace.

[link] [2 refs]