That's no bird, that's a Raccoon!

There are plenty in the Park, but you don\'t usually see the nocturnal fissipeds in the daylight.

Give them something to eat, though, and they'll show up.

Fresh berries have to beat going through the trash, but maybe that's just my preference.

Some folks will eat just about anything.

This Cottontail isn't hard to please, either.

Rabbits are less common in the Park, but I've been seeing a pair lately, in the vicinity of the Wildflower Meadow.

Where were you at Easter, when I needed you?

They're active during the day, relying on speed and camouflage for safety, whereas the conspicuous Raccoon relys on being generally ornery.

Some plants are ornery, too. Omnivorous, or not, there are some things that nobody wants to eat...