...and Winter: brrr.
And snow, and a white Christmas?

No, that was the beginning of the month, offering a tease of Winter, as if anyone were eager. Six inches was the biggest fall in two years. ...falling...

...and a couple of days later.
There was snow on the ground for about a week, but by today it’s back to looking like this...

Which is pretty much the way Winter usually looks around here. It officially arrives this evening, but tomorrow will probably look a lot like today.
It’ll be that way for a while.

You’ll have to look a little closer to see the changes, but they are there, starting with a little more Sun. Then again, the two pictures above were taken just a few seconds apart this afternoon, and they look different, but they’re the same scene, so I guess it just goes to show, the more things change, the more the Sun stands still.
Or something like that.
It’s just a Holiday riddle; the sort of thing you might find under your tree.
Along with Owl pellets.