Steve and Ruth in times review

- steve 2-18-2016 11:30 pm

VTOL (?)

- bill 2-19-2016 7:26 am [add a comment]

"Vertical Take Off and Landing"
- steve db 2-19-2016 10:45 am [add a comment]

Thought so. we had a neighbor in Dallas who was involved w VTOL development at Ling Temco Vaught. At least thats what his kid told me. So have been familiar w term since about '60-65. wanted to make sure that was ur reference. Looks like great show. corn gratz!

- bill 2-19-2016 11:10 am [add a comment]

Thanks. Would have missed this.
- jim 2-19-2016 4:09 pm [add a comment]

- steve db 2-19-2016 9:01 pm [add a comment]

Saw Steve and Raymond Foye in conversation at the Aldrich yesterday. Really incredible. Lots of Terrence talk. Not shying away from anything. They really got into it. Great job Steve.

And the works are amazing. I've never seen most of them before and it's really incredible to see so many pieces in one place. I expected to be impressed but I was blown away. Not so easy to get to, but really worth it.

Ruth's stuff looks great too.

- jim 2-29-2016 11:00 am [add a comment]

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