famous monsters fan club, queens

- bill 8-07-2024 8:27 am


- bill 8-07-2024 8:27 am [add a comment]


- steve 8-07-2024 11:52 am [add a comment]

- bill 8-07-2024 5:44 pm [add a comment]


- steve 8-08-2024 7:50 am [add a comment]

How long have you known about this guy?
- bill 8-08-2024 9:00 am [add a comment]

Since art school. In my photography class or instructor assigned a photographer to each student with the instructions to make a series of works in their style. I was assigned meatyard.

- steve 8-08-2024 11:09 am [add a comment]

I didn’t do any with masks, instead, I did the blurry faced portraits and creepy landscapes

- steve 8-08-2024 11:11 am [add a comment]

I know you and David W did projects with masks
- bill 8-08-2024 11:41 am [add a comment]

We did one. I am directing a music video later this month that has masks.
- steve 8-08-2024 11:07 pm [add a comment]

Minor White is mentioned in the first article you posted. I ran into one of his frosty window pane prints one day gallery hopping in soho. It was a major photography discovery for me. It was a photo gallery but it transcends that. 


- bill 8-09-2024 8:59 pm [add a comment]

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