I was quite suprised to see this story scroll across the bottom of CNN's crowded screen last week. Bookended by news of anthrax outbreaks and Dow Jones figures.
And yes Alex, bookshelves scroll.
Actually, it's just light fluctuations in the dot matrix; there is no lateral movement at all. Remember, TV is an illusion (unless you have one of those sets with little tiny people inside it).
There were, however, some large-scale scrolling movements associated with the recent Buttholes show. Watch for this phenomenon on Halloween. (Have a good time; we missed you here; wish we were there.)
- steve 10-30-2001 1:04 am
And yes Alex, bookshelves scroll.
- steve 10-30-2001 4:05 am [add a comment]
Actually, it's just light fluctuations in the dot matrix; there is no lateral movement at all. Remember, TV is an illusion (unless you have one of those sets with little tiny people inside it). There were, however, some large-scale scrolling movements associated with the recent Buttholes show. Watch for this phenomenon on Halloween. (Have a good time; we missed you here; wish we were there.)
- alex 10-30-2001 6:27 pm [add a comment]