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But [Eugene] Von Bruenchenhein (pronounced BROON-shen-hine) made the most of everything that came his way. Everything included his love of plants and his wife and muse, Marie; his ability to make ingenious use of all kinds of scavenged materials; and an outsize imagination apparently further expanded by recreational drugs.

- bill 11-10-2010 3:45 pm [link] [3 comments]

might have been able to buy one of these from the artist (11 Rivington gallery price was 9K at the Armory show), i went for 2 smaller works to match 2 others we have...

It sold today for 86,500 unless its a mistake in the PdPury results....

- Skinny 11-10-2010 2:38 am [link] [12 comments]

the bronx serra

- bill 11-04-2010 4:07 pm [link] [2 comments]

Markus Lüpertz is about to erect another sculpture in a public space, and in the past his work has been, to put it kindly, misunderstood.

- bill 10-30-2010 2:36 pm [link] [1 comment]

To Whom it May Concern....

- Michelle S 10-29-2010 10:53 am [add a comment] [edit]

- Michelle S 10-29-2010 3:55 pm [link] [3 comments]

Steve DiBenedetto
Who Wants to Know?
November 11 - January 8, 2011, Reception: Thursday, November 11 from 6 - 8 pm

David Nolan Gallery
527 West 29th Street

I won't be in town, but look forward to definitely seeing the show!
- b. 10-29-2010 3:45 pm [link] [add a comment]