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mythter and mythes artist

- bill 9-16-2013 7:25 pm [link] [7 refs] [4 comments]

Feeley '57-'62

- bill 9-16-2013 2:12 am [link] [6 refs] [add a comment]

Jazz era album cover art by David Stone Martin

- bill 9-09-2013 1:36 pm [link] [5 refs] [add a comment]

Goethe's theory of colors

- bill 9-05-2013 10:13 pm [link] [10 refs] [add a comment]

The real thing R.e.Krauss
- bill 8-30-2013 10:15 pm [link] [8 refs] [7 comments]

Zander blom

- bill 8-27-2013 2:19 am [link] [8 refs] [add a comment]