Displacement - Kenneth Goldsmith - bill 6-10-2014 12:38 am [link] [11 refs] [1 comment]
Kenneth Coutts-Smith fondsimages - bill 6-08-2014 7:52 pm [link] [4 refs] [3 comments]
Denis Bowen images - bill 6-08-2014 7:48 pm [link] [7 refs] [add a comment]
Supports/Surfaces - bill 6-08-2014 6:05 pm [link] [5 refs] [3 comments]
intentional art - bill 6-05-2014 3:17 pm [link] [3 refs] [add a comment]
homage to the square - bill 6-03-2014 1:56 pm [link] [13 refs] [add a comment]