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thats a splendid black and white David Smith painting.

- bill 6-22-2015 8:26 pm [link] [7 refs] [add a comment]

nice Konrad Klapheck in Art Basel’s Unlimited section.

feel dumb not to know his work already. great work!

- bill 6-21-2015 1:39 pm [link] [8 refs] [add a comment]


not a fan.

- bill 6-19-2015 5:47 pm [link] [5 refs] [1 comment]

block island A frame

- steve 6-15-2015 1:07 am [link] [4 refs] [add a comment]

black is black

- bill 6-14-2015 10:58 pm [link] [9 refs] [add a comment]

square biz


- bill 6-12-2015 6:49 pm [link] [6 refs] [add a comment]