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100 paintings

- bill 10-02-2016 1:01 pm [link] [9 refs] [9 comments]

I'll be in town for MB's birthday and will be checking this out.

- steve 9-15-2016 11:00 pm [link] [8 refs] [4 comments]

Looking good....

- jim 9-13-2016 6:47 pm [link] [7 refs] [3 comments]


- bill 9-08-2016 12:18 pm [link] [5 refs] [add a comment]

35 years ago: the tribeca bridge project

- bill 9-04-2016 3:41 pm [link] [2 refs] [add a comment]

use value art (pdf)

- bill 9-04-2016 2:06 pm [link] [7 refs] [add a comment]