Julia Rommel more - bill 10-25-2013 7:10 pm [link] [5 refs] [2 comments]
Suzanne Coporael - bill 10-25-2013 5:29 pm [link] [3 refs] [2 comments]
Anyone identify the red and black drawing? Like. - bill 10-24-2013 8:42 pm [link] [1 ref] [1 comment]
Mark Hagen screened burlap pieces - bill 10-24-2013 1:59 pm [link] [2 refs] [add a comment]
Kind of like these rain pieces (if that's what they are). the other stuff, not so much. - bill 10-24-2013 1:46 pm [link] [3 refs] [add a comment]
mocking Mondrian - bill 10-17-2013 10:32 pm [link] [9 refs] [add a comment]