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1692 Dutch color book

- bill 5-06-2014 12:45 pm [link] [8 refs] [add a comment]

Warhol's 80's Commodore Amiga work

- bill 4-24-2014 10:38 pm [link] [10 refs] [1 comment]

zombie formalism

- bill 4-22-2014 5:16 pm [link] [6 refs] [add a comment]

I see my red door and it has been painted black

- steve 4-22-2014 4:01 am [link] [8 refs] [2 comments]

Steve Rockwell and Katia Santibanez

- bill 4-09-2014 4:29 pm [link] [4 refs] [add a comment]

Bruce Pearson

- bill 4-09-2014 4:24 pm [link] [3 refs] [1 comment]