"Do Iraqis hate Saddam Hussein's regime more deeply than they dislike the Americans who are invading their country?" asks a NYT piece by former Navy Secretary James Webb. He takes more of a Vietnam grunt's view of the perils of "hearts and minds" warfare than do the rose-tinted "we're still on track" Beltway bureaucrats.

The enforced "pause" in the invasion comes at a convenient time, allowing reporters to earn their keep paying attention to other important stories: collateral damage in Baghdad; a more sober assessment of morale, (which sure isn't helped by suicide bombing); and coverage of differences over reconstruction contracts and other costs. Did you know GWB's estimated $75bn pricetag for the war was based on hostilities lasting only 30 days?

Agonist has a new Iraq sitmap. It's the most detailed I've seen, but it's only useful if he keeps updating it, of course. And if there really is a coalition paratroop unit on the Iranian side of the border near Ahwaz, I'd like to know why...

- bruno 3-29-2003 9:39 pm

map of embedded journalists and the cartoonists who love them.
- dave 3-30-2003 3:45 am

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