In From the Cold?
Saddam and family are living in a Baghdad suburb, apparently...:
U.S. officials in Washington had no comment. Uday Hussein, who is hiding in a Baghdad, Iraq suburb, wants to know what the charges against him will be, and the process for interrogation and custody, the person familiar with the discussions said. He is working through intermediaries. U.S. officials don't seem especially interested in cutting a deal, because they assume Uday will be caught sooner or later, the person said.... He is No. 3 on the coalition's most-wanted list, after his father and his brother, Qusay.
Uday fears that Iraqi citizens will kill him if they find him, and may instead choose the safety of a U.S. prison, the person said, adding that Uday frequently changes his mind about surrendering...
What's all this about "choosing the safety of a a U.S. prison" (among the most dangerous in the industrialized world) anyway? WSJ's Jeffrey Walstrow is credited as contributor to this Yahoo story
Saddam and family are living in a Baghdad suburb, apparently...:
What's all this about "choosing the safety of a a U.S. prison" (among the most dangerous in the industrialized world) anyway? WSJ's Jeffrey Walstrow is credited as contributor to this Yahoo story
- bruno 5-23-2003 7:33 pm