Doris Piserchia Weblog

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The Doris Piserchia Weblog.

The following posts include (1) "footnotes" for The Doris Piserchia Website (link at left), (2) texts-in-process that will eventually appear there, (3) texts from other websites, and (we hope) (4) stimulating discussion threads. The picture to the left is the back cover of The Spinner (book club edition), depicting a citizen of Eastland "hanging out" while Ekler the cop and Rune the idiot-superman look on.

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Jade Van De Sterren - Dutch Star Rider thumbReee - Dutch Earthchild thumb

More new Doris Piserchia related pages on the Internet: a page listing works of hers that were translated into French (mostly short stories or serialized novels in Galaxy and the like--but not Earthchild or Star Rider, which we know were in French because we have covers), and a page on a German feminist sf site [update: this appears to be gone now], which links to our interview and main page here. Also, this isn't new, but there is also a page listing two books translated into Dutch: Jade Van De Sterren (Jade of the Stars?--Star Rider in the US) and Reee (Earthchild). Eventually I'll get the Dutch covers up in the cover gallery.

- tom moody 5-09-2004 8:06 am [link]