As long as your reading Byron it behooves you to read Don Juan, pronounced JOO ANN, in its entire ottava rhima splendor. Byron got more chics than Magic Johnson & would have been the Wheel's wine god. Keats, of course, IS the man.
- frank 8-13-2002 7:30 am

Say, did you notice how my latest post, cross-referenced with this one, is actually a meta-reading of Keats?
No? Well, how about if we get Ms Root into one of those Asian sex shops for a photo shoot entitled "Ruth amid the alien porn..?..

- alex 8-14-2002 6:47 pm [add a comment]

Yes. Well, that is I am aware you have given our dear pal John a close reading but the whole anxiety of influence thing makes me squint while meta-reading. I wrote a poem not too long ago titled " He do the Pornos in Different Voices" & ryhymed be-in with Carribean & porno with Adorno.
It was heartbreakingly clever but I shredded it according to my new truthful accounting standards
because it turns out it didn't mean too damn much after all.
- frank 8-14-2002 8:54 pm [add a comment]

...and you'd think a lack of meaning would at least eliminate confusion. Crazy mixed up world...
- alex 8-14-2002 9:34 pm [add a comment]

Alien corn?
- alex 8-14-2002 9:42 pm [add a comment]

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