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Friday, Dec 14, 2001

report cards

american scientists anthrax report
twa flight 800 evidence destroyed


bottoms up

ad revenues got you down? then, liquor up!


Thursday, Dec 13, 2001

ballpark frankness

getting a jump on predictions -- the mets and yankees are going to be good.


lindhzer torte

more armchair psychologizing from the "liberal" media about the character of a certain family in a certain "liberal" county in california. lets see did we miss anything. we made snide comments about hiphop, alternative schooling, the beatles. is there anyway to blame organic farming? maybe they would like us to carpet bomb the area and start again with only morally upstanding families. i know of some conservative jews who always seem to be anxious to repopulate "cleansed" areas. and those bushes are an upstanding lot. they could build a giant castle and lord over everbody in the county. then the entire community (and ultimately the world) could bask in the glow emanating from their beknighted character.



America's New War: A Progress Report
The Nonsense Mantras of Our Times
fig newton: not a smart cookie
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