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Tuesday, Apr 09, 2002

land rover

"This is the Age of Maps. Forget for a moment those 15th-century creations, with their romanticized sea monsters and crudely conceived land masses. More than 99 percent of all maps – ever – were made in the past century. Keep a sharp eye, and maps will start popping up on such things as cereal boxes, bus stops, emergency exits, and license plates."


blue jeans

"Levi Strauss & Co., the 149-year-old manufacturer of blue jeans, yesterday virtually abandoned its decades-long effort to keep an American icon from becoming just one more foreign import."


Monday, Apr 08, 2002

kabul spite

"KABUL, Afghanistan, April 7 — Victims of the bombing in Afghanistan handed in petitions from 400 families to the American Embassy here today, part of a growing movement to demand compensation from the United States for the loss of their families and homes."


the fixer

"In substance, "Sharon has not changed his position. What he is offering at the end of this is his original proposal of an interim peace agreement," Benn concludes. "In any case, he is not prepared to give Arafat any chance whatsoever. His characterizations of Arafat were unusually harsh in the Knesset speech."
