drat fink

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Friday, Jan 23, 2004

ette cetera

gawker dc = wonkette


fink del drat

df en espanol.


snoop dog


via largeheartedboy


roo the day

somebody is bound to blame this on dean -- captain kangaroo is no more.


face value

"Taken at face value it wasn't anger, it was a steam-letting, and an attempt to rally the troops, and totally understandable. The press, as usual, is making a big deal of catching a candidate being a human being. But that's what he is. He's not an actor, he's not a commercial, he's not a deodorant, he's not a product, and I'm glad we have a chance to have this discussion. I'm not a Dean supporter (yet, but I'm getting there) and they didn't ask me to say this, but please, it's time for the press to let us have an election, or maybe it's time for us to have an election without them."


root down

yadda yadda dems senate blog


poll position

latest arg tracking poll out of new hampshire has dean slipping to third. ill assume those are pre-debate numbers.


Thursday, Jan 22, 2004

ministry of silly talk

"With just a few days until marijuana is downgraded from class B to class C in England, the attempts to scare people can get downright silly."

via talkleft


track marks

political wire tracks the tracking polls out of new hampshire. dratfink tracks political wire tracking the tracking polls.



"That's sort of true. But it kind of reminds me of Senator Dale Bumpers, in his great defense of Bill Clinton in the impeachment trial, when he said, "When they tell you it's not about sex, it's about sex." When they tell you it's not about Me, but about The People, it's usually about Me. By talking about his campaign as if he were merely the corporeal representative of some mystical communal force, Dean neglected to do the more basic work of politics, which is to talk about himself, what kind of president he would be, and what he would do. It's been about process. It's been about talking about reaching voters instead of just speaking to them."


big bright green pleasure machine

do you have that not so groovy feeling? art does.
