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Saturday, Jan 24, 2004

on the tellyputer

"The BBC is developing a new web application that will let you watch TV programmes at any time via the internet."


reign gear

"Twenty years ago, on January 24, 1984, Apple Computer launched the Macintosh. It contained virtually unknown features, including simple icons, and an odd little attachment called a mouse."


press for details

"The answer, I think, involves an open secret in political journalism that has been recognized for at least 20 years. But it is never dealt with, probably because the costs of facing it head on seem larger than the light tax on honesty any open secret demands. The secret is this: pssst... the press is a player in the campaign. And even though it knows this, as everyone knows it, the professional code of the journalist contains no instructions in what the press could or should be playing for. So while the press likes being a player, it does not like being asked: what are you for?"


Friday, Jan 23, 2004

ette cetera

gawker dc = wonkette


fink del drat

df en espanol.


snoop dog


via largeheartedboy


roo the day

somebody is bound to blame this on dean -- captain kangaroo is no more.


face value

"Taken at face value it wasn't anger, it was a steam-letting, and an attempt to rally the troops, and totally understandable. The press, as usual, is making a big deal of catching a candidate being a human being. But that's what he is. He's not an actor, he's not a commercial, he's not a deodorant, he's not a product, and I'm glad we have a chance to have this discussion. I'm not a Dean supporter (yet, but I'm getting there) and they didn't ask me to say this, but please, it's time for the press to let us have an election, or maybe it's time for us to have an election without them."


root down

yadda yadda dems senate blog


poll position

latest arg tracking poll out of new hampshire has dean slipping to third. ill assume those are pre-debate numbers.
