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Wednesday, Dec 15, 2004

george c gilliard

i am so indifferent to awards that im going to write a post to tell you how indifferent i am. so, whatever you do, make no effort to single me out for distinction. i just buy the soap. thats all i do.


blog collective

why is michael kinsley, editor of the la times op-ed page, guest posting on weblogs? doesnt anyone read your newspaper?


Tuesday, Dec 14, 2004

no loss for words v. googlibrary

""Within two decades, most of the world's knowledge will be digitized and available, one hopes for free reading on the Internet, just as there is free reading in libraries today," said Michael A. Keller, Stanford University's head librarian.

The Google effort and others like it that are already under way, including projects by the Library of Congress to put selections of its best holdings online, are part of a trend to potentially democratize access to information that has long been available to only small, select groups of students and scholars."


will blog for food

"Blogger-Jobs.com has been launched. A colaboration between Jeremy Wright and www.recruiting.com, the site provides a recruitment service that matches employers with bloggers. Blogger-Jobs.com capitalizes on the exponential growth of blogs to place candidates in jobs that are suited to bloggers or are posted by bloggers."
