you tube, brutus?
- dave 5-16-2006 6:02 pm

They were great. Now can you come up with the Pere Ubu ode 10 years later (not Ten Years After) “Life Stinks” – “Life stinks, I need a drink; I can’t think; I like the Kinks” ?
- alex 5-17-2006 3:50 am

this is the best i can do per pere ubu. (the lead singer seems like jackie gleason meets david byrne.

how bout the fall doing victoria?
- dave 5-17-2006 4:10 am

here the jam covering david watts.
- dave 5-17-2006 4:14 am

Ubu was my favorite punk/new wave band in 1978. Singer David Thomas is a unique talent but the band rocked more than you see in the video and had some wacky sythns to boot. Modern Dance & Dub Housing are classics of the era.
Was never a big Fall fan (did see them) but I love the song and it’s a good video. My recent Victoria experience is Tony Richardson’s Charge of the Light Brigade.The movie’s more daring since the corset-wrenching scene has the woman doing it to the man.

- alex 5-17-2006 4:35 am

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