A published report early Saturday said the Mets have struck a naming-rights deal with Citigroup for their new stadium.

Newsday, citing anonymous sources, said the new ballpark -- set to open in 2009 -- will be called CitiField.

A ceremonial groundbreaking for the new stadium is scheduled for Monday.

Newsday said the Mets declined to comment on all matters relating to the naming rights.

- dave 11-11-2006 6:01 pm

Tell me this is the Onion.
signed, CitiBlogger
- tom moody 11-11-2006 7:58 pm

it was a given that they would sell the naming rights, although considering how much public money they get a case could be made that the people own the rights. but most would probably vote away their rights if they thought it would yield them a better starting pitcher.

as corporate names go, citifield has to be the least offensive, not a particularly good name but better than many likely alternatives.

ps - wonder if you would get sued if that was the name of your blog?
- dave 11-11-2006 11:24 pm

In a heartbeat.
The name CitiField is a travesty. They are owning the commons, a trend that goes hand in hand with private police forces, etc.
Apropos of nothing, it is one letter removed from "citified."
- tom moody 11-12-2006 12:29 am

The SF Giants had a new stadium built close in. Locals actually liked the name: Pac Bell Park, short for Pacific Bell Park. Then Southwestern Bell bought Pacific Telisis, and it became SBC Park. Not quite the same ring. Then SBC renamed themselves, so now it's AT&T Park. Bleah.

At one point both Houston and San Jose had a Compaq Arena. A big part of the justification for using public funds to subsidize the building the San Jose Arena was civic ego crisis. Although it's one of the nation's largest cities, San Jose had no name recognition (beyond the Burt Bacharach song). Then they sold the name to a company from Texas. Now it's call the HP Pavillion, in memory of one of the stupidest corporate acquisitions in the history of computers.

Candlestick Park was renamed years ago to something I forget. (This was early in the naming rights game, and locals refused to call it by the new name.) Now it's called Monster Park. Monster dot com got free publicity becasue the Monster Cable guys didn't go for Monster Cable Park.

Selling the naming rights of stadiums, arenas, racetracks, and other sports venues -- I'm agin it.
- mark 11-12-2006 1:09 am

and a number of the companies have gone belly up. anybody remember that energy company named enron? they had some field in houston, i think.
- dave 11-12-2006 1:28 am

what about the city selling advertising on municipal vehicles? theyve had them on busses for years but ive just noticed glad garbage bags have ads on city garbage trucks.
- dave 11-12-2006 1:33 am

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