needle park
much hullaballo over the mitchell report today. names are named as to those who are identified as having used steroids. the actual number of users is likely much higher but 60 to 80 players are named including roger clemens and andy pettite. the report goes live on espn at 2pm.

- dave 12-13-2007 7:05 pm

much noise little signal in the steroid chatter. heres at bit of analysis from baseball musings:

In reading the Clemens section of the Mitchell Report, McNamee gives a pretty clear time line as to when Roger started using steroids. It was after a series at Miami. Clemens pitched in that series on 6/8/1998. Here are his stats through that series: 6-6, 3.27 ERA, 9.2 K per 9, 4.3 BB per 9, 0.32 HR/9. From that date through the end of the season: 14-0, 2.29 ERA, 11.1 K per 9, 2.8 BB per 9, 0.48 HR per 9.

Update: McNamee also talks about injecting Clemens in the second half of 2000 and late in 2001. Clemens through 6/30/2000: 4-6, 4.76 ERA, 9.0 K per 9, 4.1 BB per 9, 1.44 HR per 9. July through the end of the season: 9-2, 3.00 ERA, 7.8 K per 9, 3.4 BB per 9, 0.95 HR per 9. Let me note, however, that Clemens suffered an injury that knocked him out for the last two games of June, and his two starts before he left the game with an injury were poor.

Clemens was pretty consistent through 2001. See pages 167-176 of the Mitchell report.
- dave 12-15-2007 1:11 am

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