top banana
was schooling my travelling companions on johan santana on the ride down only to wake up to find out the mets had wore of attrition. after a soundly reviled trade earlier this offseason and an infamous collapse at the end of last season this comes as welcome news. guess i should leave town more often. and while the mets had to send four of their top five prospects they were able to hold on to fernando martinez who is considered their most promising.

some have concerns about santanas longterm health but pitchers are always a crapshoot and despite a down year last season he still was fifth in the cy young voting, an award he received twice in the preceding four years. the mets would be overjoyed to have down seasons of that nature. so the mets have a true ace in his prime something they cannot have said since dwight goodens early career flameout.

here are his career stats.

- dave 1-30-2008 6:18 pm

If your leaving town had anything to do with this trade then I somehow feel instrumental and hope to be rewarded with tickets for the upcoming season.
- jimlouis 1-30-2008 7:05 pm

i think it has been well established that my company alone is reward enough.
- dave 1-30-2008 8:29 pm

I've been to a baseball game with dave and I think I can say that it's not true.
- alex 1-31-2008 4:01 am

OK, it was a bad game, weatherwise, and otherwise, but who was it you meant rewarded anyway..? (Stadium gate check interface with mob-run bowling parlor coat check is a thing of beauty.)
- alex 1-31-2008 4:13 am

I guess I would settle for a nice fruit basket or small potted plant instead.
- jimlouis 1-31-2008 6:21 pm

Dave, do you wanna come on down for dinner now?
- jimlouis 2-01-2008 2:15 am

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