snark infested You have to give David Denby credit for bravery: Writing a book titled Snark: It’s Mean, It’s Personal, and It’s Ruining Our Conversation is like writing a book titled Keying My Car: It’s the Wrong Thing to Do or Why Flaming Bags of Dog Poop on My Doorstep Just Aren’t Funny. You invite the transgression even as you decry it; you loose the hounds on yourself. Given Denby’s age (65) and position in the firmament (film reviewer for The New Yorker), he could have written the most concise, insightful, artfully balanced, and expertly argued book about snark and still come off like an Internet-age Andy Rooney, wagging his finger from his rocking chair at the boisterous kids on the lawn. And he has not written the most concise, insightful, artfully balanced, and expertly argued book about snark.
I am still at the Bruno-like denial stage that "snark" is even a word.
"...i know it when i see it...".
- dave 2-04-2009 6:29 am
I am still at the Bruno-like denial stage that "snark" is even a word.
- tom moody 2-04-2009 12:33 pm
- mark 2-07-2009 6:03 am
"...i know it when i see it...".
- bill 2-07-2009 12:56 pm