cat scratch fever
just a reminder about how brutal and corrosive psoriasis is, ive just run across a death metal band named after the disorder. rub it til it bleeds, bitches!

- dave 9-21-2009 9:21 pm

- alex 9-22-2009 1:41 am

this treatment would be ironic.

"It has been suggested that cannabis might treat psoriasis, due to the anti-inflammatory properties of its cannabinoids, and the regulatory effects of THC on the immune system.[42] The adverse effects of cannabis might be overcome by use of more specific cannabinoid receptor medications,[43] to inhibit keratinocyte proliferation.[44]"
- dave 9-22-2009 2:22 am

"...adverse effects of cannabis..."

- jim 9-22-2009 2:53 am

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