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farting in your general direction

lip reading the italian mid-fielder who provoked zidane. sounds like enough to put a proud man over the edge. i could imagine someone like pele brushing off a rascist slur, especially considering the relative importance of a world cup final, but i cant hold it against zidane for acting out. meanwhile 80% of the french team were black whereas i did not see one person of color on the italian team. dont know if this just means france was a colonial power while the italians were still disunited, or if italy isnt very hospitable to black people.

oh yeah, the theme of this particular world cup was 'say no to racism.' looks like someone didnt get the memo. viva italia!

- dave 7-11-2006 7:35 pm [link] [15 comments]

spurts sunday

mens finals at wimbledon in progress. one set all if nadal holds serve in the second set. first time ever that the pair of finalist from the french open are the finalists a month later at wimbledon. what does that say? these two are the top players, period.

then that world cup finals thing happens today around 2pm. you might want to check on that time though. ill root for whoever flops less but i think italy has the better team particularly in goal.

also the last mlb games prior to the all-star break are today.

while i was typing i failed to notice federer breaking back to five all in the second set. on to the tiebreak.

- dave 7-09-2006 6:27 pm [link] [1 comment]

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