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1st avenue freeze out

my not very old fridge is dying. just what i need, right? as a last ditch effort to see if it has anything left before i take out my frustration on it with a sledge hammer, ive spent the last two days defrosting it.

i finally decided there was no more water left to leak on the floor so i turned it on. nothing. the motor was completely kaput. tried plugging it directly into the outlet. nothing. gave it the evil eye. nothing. cursed at it. not even a titter. with nothing left to do, i shook it out of abject frustration, and god have mercy on my blighted soul, it started to hum. now i dont actually have much faith that it will actually get cold and become a useful member of society but for one more night i can dream.

- dave 3-25-2007 9:42 am [link] [18 comments]

go norsemen!

something made me pull out the ol' high school yearbook tonight and this is the only personal comment ive read written by the only person with the gall and good sense to call me an asshole to my face. heres what she wrote.


This year English was especially memorable because of Mr. D'Ambra asking you what you thought of the books. You never read them - classic! You were an inspiration to us all in Bio because of your scholarly conduct. I hope you find nice people in college to help you with your homework.



unfortunately she didnt quite remember the english episode correctly. the teacher asked me if i would ever buy a book of poetry and i said "no." he asked me why not, and i said because i would never read it. got one of my biggest laughs in high school from that snarky retort. but she was dead on about the homework. i had a habit of not doing it and then copying it off whoever i could cajole into giving me theirs. so you can imagine some of the more academically competitive kids were not all that happy with my efforts, or lack thereof. but she was right. i did kick ass in biology. that was the highpoint of my high school academic career. i was even on the bio team!

- dave 3-23-2007 7:37 am [link] [1 comment]

lord of the flues

found a sure fire way to avoid having a conversation with my elderly landlord if hes out patrolling the stoop. tell him i have the flu. he stopped short and literally backed away without another word. now thats power.

- dave 3-14-2007 9:52 pm [link] [5 comments]

these boots were made for walking not running, god damn it!

snow job1

- dave 2-28-2007 5:06 pm [link] [7 comments]

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