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What’s the perfect joke?

Freud said that jokes should be the absolute minimum number of words. Even two words. The only one I could think of was, “Pretentious, moi?”

- dave 7-15-2008 7:47 pm [link] [add a comment]

luxury tax

The fellow written about here Friday, the gent who was a Mets season ticket-holder since Shea opened in 1964, made up his mind Saturday he's not renewing. His four box seats cost him $5,837 in 1993, $11,836 in 1998, $23,702 last year and $33,300 this season.

Last week, the Mets informed him that comparable seats next year will cost him roughly $60,000. That's it; he's done.

- dave 7-14-2008 3:53 pm [link] [add a comment]

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