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infinite guest

When the future novelist David Foster Wallace was about 14 years old, he asked his father, the University of Illinois philosophy professor James D. Wallace, to explain to him what philosophy is, so that when people would ask him exactly what it was that his father did, he could give them an answer. James had the two of them read Plato's Phaedo dialogue together, an experience that turned out to be pivotal in his understanding of his son. "I had never had an undergraduate student who caught on so quickly or who responded with such maturity and sophistication," James recalls. "This was this first time I realized what a phenomenal mind David had."

- dave 12-22-2010 5:37 pm [link] [add a comment]

definition of a grudge match

- dave 12-15-2010 12:46 am [link] [add a comment]

bow to your partner


my old building got landmark status screwing over the investors who is currently asking $6.5 million to take it off his hands. apparently it has a checkered past.

more and more

- dave 12-14-2010 2:41 pm [link] [1 comment]

scissor me

- dave 12-08-2010 4:17 am [link] [3 comments]

a wrench in the works

"You’re Steve Martin, dude! We saw Shopgirl. We’ve indulged your love of the banjo and bluegrass for years now. You don't have to go back to making balloon animals or anything, but would it kill you to just be funny every now and then?"

- dave 12-02-2010 6:23 pm [link] [1 comment]

doubledecker rubbernecker

Why Gawker is moving beyond the blog

- dave 11-30-2010 6:45 pm [link] [1 comment]

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