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im king of the world!

chomsky dialogue on self-deception

- dave 5-05-2007 4:34 am [link] [9 comments]


Right now, the official U.S. time is:


- dave 4-19-2007 4:09 pm [link] [3 comments]

no sleep for the dreary

ive really got to stop sleeping. my dreams are killing me. first, this morning i accused someone of stealing from me only to realize i had misplaced the item in question but not before acting aggressively in pursuit of that item. and then after patching that all up and heading out for a post-party early morning softball game, i accidentally struck a little girl in the head with the inside of my wrist while on line for coffee. and i had been trying to help her but that quickly turned to frustration which precipitated the accident. and i woke up with her parents who had left her overburdened with the task taking down depositions from myself and bystanders. then i just remembered another dream this afternoon of an endless battle against a roach infestation in my apartment. im glad ive purged yesterdays because they were no better. better bust out my don ho records tonight. maybe ill wake up on a tropical island. more likely ill be attacked by sharks.

- dave 4-16-2007 12:02 am [link] [1 comment]

whos the boss

The psychopathology of the modern American corporate leader.

- dave 4-09-2007 4:36 pm [link] [add a comment]

pa rum pum pum pum

- dave 4-08-2007 7:14 am [link] [add a comment]

the old ballgame

just noticed that tonight is opening day. that doesnt sound quite right but its true nonetheless. the mets and the cardinals have the marquee game on espn 2 at 8pm. was going to do a rundown of the mets coming out of spring but im too lazy. (that sounds about right for a baseball fan.) so the top link has the kranepools societys quick and dirty rundown of the mets lineup. nothing much left to say but "play ball!"

- dave 4-02-2007 2:10 am [link] [12 comments]

1st avenue freeze out

my not very old fridge is dying. just what i need, right? as a last ditch effort to see if it has anything left before i take out my frustration on it with a sledge hammer, ive spent the last two days defrosting it.

i finally decided there was no more water left to leak on the floor so i turned it on. nothing. the motor was completely kaput. tried plugging it directly into the outlet. nothing. gave it the evil eye. nothing. cursed at it. not even a titter. with nothing left to do, i shook it out of abject frustration, and god have mercy on my blighted soul, it started to hum. now i dont actually have much faith that it will actually get cold and become a useful member of society but for one more night i can dream.

- dave 3-25-2007 9:42 am [link] [18 comments]

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