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smoke stack
by Nicholson Baker
stalking, pray.
Why not? Because, he said, he had absolutely no intention of being in that bunker. Ever.
“Why bring negativity into your thoughts?” he asked, and nobody had a good answer for that one.
barong place, barong time
and i wish i could do justice to the scene of taking measurements for the barongs which are the traditional filipino shirts worn at weddings and are custom fit for all. a standard tape measure wasnt precise enough for my precision minded bridegroom at these proceedings. no, what was required were two swords, one a novelty sword which collapsed in upon itself, the other wooden. however, no level was used to ensure they were not askew when placed at waist and shoulder level (although i did ruefully suggest a plumline) so the entire exercise was less than futile but not all that much less. noone was injured during this swashbucking affair but a $135 shirt was torn by a dull mind wielding a dull blade. seems the seams of said collapsible blade were sharper than the edge enough so to produce a cottonary lesion one not soon to heal. fortunately i was neither wielder nor wielded, and so this story like so many others ends happily.