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Wednesday, Jan 23, 2002

no kidding

"The Langley Schools Music Project is a 60-voice chorus of rural school children from western Canada, untrained but captivated by melodic magic, singing tunes by the Beach Boys, Paul McCartney, David Bowie, The Bay City Rollers, and others (in 1976). The students accompany themselves with the shimmering gamelan chimes of Orff percussion, and elemental rock trimmings arranged by their itinerant music teacher, Hans.Fenger."


finders fee

yahoo premium $earch


waite is on

"I can recognise the conditions that prisoners are being kept in at the US camp at Guantanamo Bay because I have been there. Not to Cuba's Camp X-Ray, but to the darkened cell in Beirut that I occupied for five years. I was chained to a wall by my hands and feet; beaten on the soles of my feet with cable; denied all my human rights, and contact with my family for five years, and given no access to the outside world. Because I was kept in very similar conditions, I am appalled at the way we - countries that call ourselves civilised - are treating these captives. Is this justice or revenge?"


national pasttime

"It seems the Nation won't let the facts interfere with a Bush-bashing opportunity. The Wall Street Journal noted in its "Best of the Web" column Friday that a Matt Bivens story in the Nation, "The Enron Box," began with a howler: "When George W. Bush co-owned the Houston Astros and construction began on a new stadium, Kenneth Lay agreed to spend $100 million over thirty years for rights to name the park after Enron." As the Journal noted, "it was the Texas Rangers, not the Astros, that Bush co-owned." Strike One.

The Nation was quick to "fix" this on their website. By late Friday, they had come up with this solution: "When George W. Bush co-owned the Texas Rangers and construction began on a new stadium, Kenneth Lay agreed to spend $100 million over thirty years for rights to name the park after Enron."

Problem is, the Texas Rangers play at The Ballpark in Arlington. Enron Field is where the Houston Astros play, more than 200 miles away. Strike Two.

The Scrapbook is beginning to think the Nation folks need to get out more. They don't know Texas; they don't know baseball. The only ERA they've heard of is probably the Equal Rights Amendment. So to prevent further embarrassment, we are happy to clue them in: Texas has not one, but two major league baseball teams, the Rangers and the Astros. The Rangers play in the American League; the Astros in the National League.

And what does Bush's onetime ownership of the Rangers have to do with the Astros' Enron Field? Absolutely nothing. Strike Three."


phone spam

"Responding to industry criticism that the commission's proposal to create a national do-not-call registry was an attempt to limit the right of free speech, the director of the FTC's Consumer Protection Bureau said it was an attempt to protect another key American right -- the right to privacy."


hop to it

r blood
wsj blog


you know the drill

"The collapse of Enron has swiftly morphed into a go-to-jail financial scandal, laden with the heavy breathing of political fixers, but Enron makes visible a more profound scandal--the failure of market orthodoxy itself. Enron, accompanied by a supporting cast from banking, accounting and Washington politics, is a virtual piņata of corrupt practices and betrayed obligations to investors, taxpayers and voters. But these matters ought not to surprise anyone, because they have been familiar, recurring outrages during the recent reign of high-flying Wall Street. This time, the distinctive scale may make it harder to brush them aside. "There are many more Enrons out there," a well-placed Washington lawyer confided. He knows because he has represented a couple of them."


brain scans

"the secret life of the brain" on pbs


master crassman

"After Mr. Bush spoke, the White House corrected the president on the timing of his mother-in-law's investment. Mrs. Welch bought 200 shares of Enron on Sept. 21, 1999, for $40.90 a share, the White House said, for a total investment of $8,180. She sold her holdings on Dec. 4, two days after the company declared bankruptcy, for 42 cents a share, meaning her investment had plummeted to $84."


bite me

all day ive ran across this bogus mike tyson fight story. there is almost no "big fight" anymore where there isnt some blowup at a press conference to ensure that every news organization will run a story on the scuffle. the ploy is so pathetic and yet news organization keep covering it as if it were real. at least two local news stations actually led with the story. it would be a shame if there was something actually important to cover.
