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Thursday, May 09, 2002

wailing wall

"Building a fence to keep out Palestinian terrorists: It's a beguilingly simple idea that continues to gain currency in an Israel tormented by Hamas and the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. Indeed, as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon hastens back from Washington after yet another suicide bombing, his government is already starting to demarcate land for barriers and quietly thinking through what's euphemistically known in Israel as "separation." But a fence is a counsel of despair. While the idea has clear appeal for Israeli politicians, it's dubious security policy and rash diplomacy."


smells like destiny

"Songs like this one, which combine different hits without adding any original music, may represent the first significant new musical genre to be lifted out of the underground, developed and then spread, mostly via the Web. The songs, called mash-ups or bootlegs, typically match the rhythm, melody and underlying spirit of the instrumentals of one song with the a cappella vocals of another. And the more odd the pairing the better."


learning curve

"We insist that Palestinians and Israelis are equally precious in God's eyes and that the loss of life on both sides is equally tragic and unnecessary. The Planetary Consciousness which we proclaim recognizes that the well-being of each of us depends on the well-being of all of us. These themes, developed more fully in the State of the Spirit address (in this issue of Tikkun on p. 33), must be applied to the crisis in the Middle East. In doing so, we approach both sides in a spirit of compassion for the terrible pain that both have suffered, and a passionate commitment to alleviate that suffering. Yet compassion requires speaking with honesty and integrity, even when that forces us to confront difficult truths. This is what we mean by Prophetic Witness."


cold cache

"A huge diamond discovery has turned a remote corner of the Canadian tundra into a modern-day Sutter’s Mill, where prospectors rush to stake their claims."


new dawn

"Martin and Brigitte also make a claim about one of the most famous discoveries of all time: "Lucy," a hominid from just over 3 million years ago in Ethiopia. Donald Johanson, who discovered her in 1974, claimed her to be our direct ancestor."

"The fossils from Orrorin have led Martin and Brigitte to the revolutionary conclusion that Lucy and her type, the australopithicines, were not our direct ancestors: rather, they were a branch that became extinct."


Tuesday, May 07, 2002

hes such a cut up

kid 606 "rebel girl" clip


singled out

all songs considered


Monday, May 06, 2002

turkey shoot

"Specifically, the court will review whether two controversial third-strike sentences violate the constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment. The primary case involves Andrade, who twice fled a Kmart store six years ago with a handful of stolen videos, including "Snow White." He is serving 50 years to life for the thefts because he had several prior convictions for a rash of home burglaries and marijuana possession. The second case involves a felon named Gary Ewing, who is serving 25 years to life for stealing three $400 golf clubs. He, too, had been convicted repeatedly for burglary."



ruth bader ginsburg v. sandra day o'connor


Sunday, May 05, 2002

its not safe

segway: easy rider or menace2society?
