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Thursday, May 23, 2002

open up

"Microsoft Corp. is aggressively lobbying the Pentagon to squelch its growing use of freely distributed computer software and switch to proprietary systems such as those sold by the software giant, according to officials familiar with the campaign."


Wednesday, May 22, 2002

ease off

"Ecstasy, the dance drug used by thousands every weekend, should be downgraded from the class A status it shares with heroin and cocaine, according to the results of a year-long official inquiry into Britain's drug laws published today...."

"The MPs also call for a radical extension of NHS heroin prescribing in Britain that would undercut the illegal market in class A drugs and drug-related crime, and for the immediate provision of European-style "shooting galleries" - safe-injecting rooms - that would take the most chronic addicts off the street."



another lefty blog worth noting -- nathan newman


new model army

[link] [1 ref]

Tuesday, May 21, 2002

extinction distinction

"The report will identify some 11,046 species of plants and animals known to face a high risk of extinction, including 1,130 mammals – 24 per cent of the total – and 12 per cent, or 1,183 species of birds."

"Human activities, from habitat destruction to the introduction of alien species from one area to another, are listed as the main causes of this dramatic loss in biodiversity. In the report, scientists also identify 5,611 species of plants known to be on the verge of extinction. They say the true figure is likely to be far higher, given that only 4 per cent of the world's known plant species have been properly evaluated."


casting call

"Deaths, defections and interference from the law have taken their toll on New York's mafia in recent years, forcing the families to take a drastic new step - and launch a recruitment drive."


green mountain boy

democrats to laud jim jeffords this week one year after his tipping the balance of power in the senate. now, if they could find a way to appreciate the independent spirit to their left, maybe we could get somewhere. case in point, eric alterman still cant forgive ralph nader for defeating al gore, as if gore needed any help.


a jar jarred

"As a public service to columnists on deadline, we offer the following three quick 'n' easy Star Wars allegories. Take it away, Maureen Dowd!"


everyones doin' it

eric alterman starts an msnbc weblog. but is a weblog a weblog if it has an editor?


dangerous curves

"David Lynch's Mulholland Drive (2000) is about an obsessive love affair. In this respect it doesn't have to make sense to anybody else. It's like stepping into the mind of someone who's obsessed. This is a film about the darkness of a woman, the destructive elementof woman. The romance lies in a tragedy. The film narratively depicts the themes of love, impossible love, the boundaries of forbidden love, and the consequences of tragic love."
