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Friday, Jun 14, 2002

offense taken

my neighbors have gone from being annoying to truly becoming a blight. when the dogs would annoy the crap out of me id try to take solace by telling myself that at least they werent ridiculously loud otherwise. but with their nearly club volume party music the other night and tonight with the stereo now a fixture on their roof accompanied by some shithead banging spastically on bongos at one in the morning, i cant but wish them a slow and painful death. they have nearly zero consideration for their neighbors. they must be pissing off people in at least eight buildings. someone must have called the police last week but that only shut them down for two hours before they cranked up the volume from midnight to 4am. how do you combat this sort of tyranny in civil society?


Thursday, Jun 13, 2002

fork in the rude

back in the dark hoarse
of course off course

never resourceful
forever remorseful

3/4 tanked
youre aghast

tapping out dot dot dash
to make a splash

faced down in the mud
and you laugh

he was half
he was half
he was half

can i get a witless to testify?


Tuesday, Jun 11, 2002

have you ever held on?

another angle
the same scene
the rainbow bridge
the golden mean

i was half in the bag
alluding that drag time
i had to clear out
all that had been mined

whos the sweeper
whos a keeper

i get a kick out of use
cant we just call it a truce

rock me gently
rock me slowly

rock me gently
rock me slowly

rock me gently
rock me slowly


Friday, Jun 07, 2002

strange brood

"Strange ramblings in Woody Creek: A conversation on drugs, politics and the 30th anniversary of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with outlaw journalist Hunter S. Thompson"


peking duck

"BEIJING (Reuters) - Beijing's most popular newspaper has unwittingly republished a bogus story about U.S. Congress threats to skip town for Memphis or Charlotte unless Washington builds them a new Capitol building with a retractable dome. The source? America's celebrated spoof tabloid, the Onion."


Thursday, Jun 06, 2002

back to the beat

"Bush's premise is mistaken. Clinton didn't understand the meaning of "is"; Bush doesn't understand the meaning of "could." Bush talks about stopping terrorism as though it's a matter of goodwill: He's a decent person, so if he fails to stop an attack, the reason must be that he couldn't have done so. But "could" doesn't imply "would." The latter conveys certainty; the former conveys possibility. In fighting terrorism, possibility, not certainty, should be the operative principle. It suits the complex nature of investigation, gives agents practical guidance, and is a standard to which politicians and bureaucrats can reasonably be held. The question to ask about each step not taken in the months leading up to Sept. 11 is not whether it would have prevented the attacks but whether it would have kept alive a chain of investigation making that outcome possible."


soft landing

"After more than a decade of munificent salary-and-stock packages, many of America's corporate chieftains are departing with big retirement packages, provoking anger among some worker and shareholder activists."

"We're seeing the most obnoxious compensation packages in history" at a time when fewer workers have guaranteed retirement income, said John Hotz, deputy director of the Pension Rights Center, a nonprofit consumer organization."


cutting remarks

"There is zero evidence of box-cutters on either plane that hit the World Trade Center. Not a single flight crew member or passenger on American Airlines Flight 11 or United Airlines Flight 175 reported seeing box-cutters or plastics knives. Nor were they mentioned in the FAA executive summary on any of the hijacked plane.(LINK FAA MEMO.) Only on American Airlines Flight 77, which hit the Pentagon, was there a near-mention by one passenger that the hijackers in the back of the plane had knives and "card-board cutters," and even that passenger to claim to see what weapons were actually used to hijack the plane. The claim by administration officials that plastic knives were used to hijack the planes is pure invention."


kashmir spacestation

"WASHINGTON – Bitter disputes over territory. Suicide bombings. Threats of retaliation. International attempts to calm roiled passions.

The Middle East? Yes – and South Asia. Although there are important differences between the Israeli–Palestinian struggle and the standoff between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, the similarities between the situations are striking."


88 lines about 44 airmen

"An Air Force officer has been relieved from duties at the Presidio of Monterey after publication of his letter to the editor accusing President George W. Bush of having advance knowledge of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks."

musical accompaniment from 88 lines on mp3
