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Sunday, Aug 04, 2002

pharma con

Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy: The Kerry Report


color field



whistle stop



proud airy

i am a robot and proud
printed circuit


moon rivulet

mooney suzuki


band its

yeah yeah yeahs
the liars
nina nastasia
the black heart procession
soledad brothers
her space holiday


Friday, Aug 02, 2002

shooting craps

"LAS VEGAS, July 30 — After voting two years ago to ease state drug laws, Nevada voters could go even further this year, making their state the first to legalize marijuana and derive taxes from a regulated sales system."


Tuesday, Jul 30, 2002


FRI 8/2 - SUMMERSQUASH MEADE PRESENTS THE ISLE OF DOGS FESTIVAL #1 Including Reservoir, The Naysayer, Kendall Meade (Mascott) Dave Derby, Phoebe Summersquash, Jud Ehrbar and Rainy Orteca.


made in the shade

"This is record number three for Greg Weeks, and the one that's really finally gotten our attention. His previous disc on Ba Da Bing! was a stripped down, boy-and-his-guitar folky singer-songwriter kinda record, and while he is still essentially playing folk music, on "Awake Like Sleep" he has begun to experiment with electronics and synthesizers resulting in a sound completely alien but warm and familiar at the same time: a sort of lilting chamber folk with electro-baroque flourishes, reminiscent of sixties and seventies folk-rock bands from England."


magnum force

"Finally in stock, the long awaited solo acoustic live set by Neutral Milk Hotel's beloved Jeff Mangum, about whom I simply cannot be objective -- the two NMH records *still* make me cry everytime I listen to them, they're that lovely and touching and brilliant. This 1997 concert was performed in an Xmas-light-filled room with an occasional baby enthusiastically chiming in alongside Mangum's super earnest vocal delivery. If you've ever seen Neutral Milk Hotel in concert, you already know that Jeff will deviate often from the recorded versions of his music, sometimes stretching out a multi-note wail for much longer, sometimes speeding up or changing a rhythm. That's what makes this live disc worth it -- for the variations he introduces, super sweet but just different enough to keep it fresh for those of us who have listened to the two NMH records hundreds of times already."
