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Sunday, Mar 02, 2003

youre such a cut-up

"A man's body - from which a lung and the heart and liver had been neatly extracted - was found in an abandoned North Philadelphia rowhouse yesterday afternoon by a man who had been foraging for scrap metal."



just got linked from hullabaloo. he also added tom moody to his blogroll.

shouldnt be long now before we're the center of the left-leaning blogworld. with all the in depth commentary that i provide, the breadth width and height of my soaring intelligence, and the overall excellence of my faculties, not to mention my command of the language (which one im not entirely sure), i wouldnt be surprised if people stopped blogging as a result. i mean, who wouldnt be embarrassed if they start comparing themselves to what's going on here?

ok, maybe thats a bit of an overstatement. i did catch two mice today. can anybody top that?


here no evil

"The United States is conducting a secret 'dirty tricks' campaign against UN Security Council delegations in New York as part of its battle to win votes in favour of war against Iraq.

Details of the aggressive surveillance operation, which involves interception of the home and office telephones and the emails of UN delegates in New York, are revealed in a document leaked to The Observer."


Saturday, Mar 01, 2003

heart felt

the 24-judge U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit is deemed terrorist organization by ashcroft justice dept.


kamel's back

Who is Hussein Kamel?
counterspins perspective
wapo counterspin


next stop, baghdad

i got pinged by the aiea. i wonder if im to be tapped for the next round of inspections. they dont call me the human geiger counter for nuthin.


mama africa

"Naturally, everybody is trying to figure out which way the swing countries will come down. And naturally, the Bushies are using leaks and spin to try to convince the press they ultimately will land on the winning side – of the war, if not the UN vote.

For various reasons -- which may or may not involve large wire transfers to numbered Swiss bank accounts -- I think Mexico, Chile and Angola probably will vote for the resolution. Let’s just say each country has compelling motives to want to stay on Don Bush’s good side.

That leaves Cameroon and Guinea. (I can hear Shrub now: “Guinea? What the hell do the Italians have to do with this?)

This is ironic. Very ironic. Beyond ironic. Because in any coalition for democracy, these two are really awkward fits. They’re both stereotypical African "big man" dictatorships, ruled by leaders with, um, extensive human rights records. Not to mention criminal records."


fresh perspective

eric alterman interview on nprs fresh air discussing media bias.


Thursday, Feb 27, 2003

return to sender

scott rosenberg post on truth-telling among the business and political elite and how one reporter's email about davos is making waves. definitely checkout the email link and the law meme piece too.


cold wards

anybody see that nova about dirty bombs? i think the scariest thing was the conditions in which some of the russian bioweapons were stored. they went into one lab and a batches of the plague were in chock full of nuts coffee cans in a 1950s kelvinator. i think they were still getting ice delivered to keep it cold. cant somebody send them a few new ge refrigerators, or at least a kenmore?

sorry, it wasnt the dirtybombs episode, it was this one about biowarfare.
