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Monday, Aug 25, 2003


"As an ideological current, the Marxist Right synthesizes the worst aspects of both sides of the political spectrum – the militant utopianism of the left and the militaristic elitism of the right. It is the marriage of Socialism – or Social Democracy, at any rate – and Empire. A more compatible couple could not be imagined: this is a marriage made in Heaven, and Hitchens is their not-so-angelic offspring."


Sunday, Aug 24, 2003

chat n choo

drivin that cole train


sticky fingers

"Frank Black told London radio station, XFM, "I do dream about the Pixies reunion, I do have to say." He even revealed that the four original members get together and have jam sessions. When asked about an actual reunion he replied, "We might.""


Saturday, Aug 16, 2003

power politics

"And that's why, if you're in the Northeast, you're reading this by candlelight tonight. Here's what happened. After LILCO was hammered by the law, after government regulators slammed Niagara Mohawk and dozens of other book-cooking, document-doctoring utility companies all over America with fines and penalties totaling in the tens of billions of dollars, the industry leaders got together to swear never to break the regulations again. Their plan was not to follow the rules, but to ELIMINATE the rules. They called it "deregulation.""


i wear black on the outside

my access to extreme dating and pbs infomercials has been restored. im whole again.


Tuesday, Aug 12, 2003

fairly ridiculous

"NEW YORK (AP) - Fox News Channel has sued liberal humorist Al Franken and the Penguin Group to stop them from using the phrase "fair and balanced" in the title of his upcoming book."


Thursday, Aug 07, 2003

lost in space

sorry for the dearth of posts. in addition to the desk issues and the summer doldrums, the spacebar (good name for a bar?) on my keyboard is fokked up. plus ive got an annoying bug on my computer which has me in pop-up purgatory (not quite hellish). nothing going on in headspace anyway. mostly put off by what ive put on aka the weight im in. bought the first season of rocky and bullwinkle yesterday so im sure everything will be fine soon. cant wait fro the arnold (swarzenegger) v. arnold (gary coleman) foxy boxing match live from sacrementos really cheesez your hunger a way down yonder by the old yolk treatise if you will and gracefully.


Monday, Jul 21, 2003

gold digging

"Republican strategists pretend that they would love to run against Howard Dean when in fact the candidate they would really like to run against is Joe Lieberman. They are trying to psych-out Democrats into fearing another George McGovern because they want an opponent who will leave no footprints which was the case with Mondale, Dukakis and Gore.

George McGovern spawned a mailing list which animated progressive public interest groups for the next decade and countless political professionals, including the young Bill Clinton, got their start in politics in a campaign based on idealism. McGovern’s loss was partially from a country that wanted to re-elect Nixon but McGovern’s biggest mistakes were not ideological but professional (losing control of his convention to the point that his acceptance speech wasn’t on until three in the morning; selecting a running mate who resigned the next week after it was revealed he’d received electro-shock treatment for depression, etc.). And, of course, McGovern’s campaign was bedeviled by illegal dirty tricks that were among the reasons Nixon was formed to resign two years later."


two to tengo

"In order to prevent collisions with Venezuelan-born shortstop Elio Chacon, New York Mets centerfielder Richie Ashburn learned to scream "I got it" in Spanish in 1962. Unfortunately, a few games later, his shouts did not stop English-speaking rightfielder Frank Thomas from crashing into him. Brooklyn-raised indie rocker Ira Kaplan loved those bumblin' Mets so much that in 1984 he named his new band "Yo La Tengo.""


la dolce vita

"Hollywood actor George Clooney reportedly is set to buy Italian Serie B soccer team Como for approximately $25 million, Britain's ITV.com reported Monday.

According to the report, the former ER and Ocean's Eleven star has told friends he is "about to buy a small soccer team" near his Italian lakeside home in Villa Oleandra."
