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Saturday, Oct 16, 2004

shark bites

jon stewart rrrrips into carlson and begala on crossfire and their culture of hackery as entertainment. as a devoted republican spinmeister ill be sure to focus my outrage on stewarts gratuitous sartorial attacks.


Friday, Oct 15, 2004

reporting for duty

as has been noted elsewhere, jay rosens post about the nature of the sinclair beast is well worth reading.


Thursday, Oct 14, 2004

cigars anyone?

couldnt have happened to a nicer guy.


about to oil

"Fortunately, Michael Klare, our preeminent expert on "resource wars," has come out with his new book, Blood and Oil, The Dangers and Consequences of America's Growing Dependency on Imported Petroleum, in the nick of time. If you want to grasp the geopolitics of oil, or the future oil wars we're heading for, or what reaching American oil "autonomy" (Klare's more modest term for it) and unwinding ourselves from despotic regimes like the Saudis might actually involve, don't miss this indispensable book. Below he describes how, under the pressure of Bush administration energy geopolitics (and under the guise of anti-terrorism), the U.S. military is being remolded into an oil-protection force."


Wednesday, Oct 13, 2004


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i bought someone a canvasser for their birthday.


vote or die

to call certain rethugs shameless would be a gross understatement. their efforts to subvert our democratic process are breathtaking. so a hale and hearty fuck you to our infantile breatheren. im really starting to hope there is a hell. my only concern is that we already may be there.


paternity leave

just watching the yankees - redsox game now. another tivo success story. had to comment on the "whos your daddy?" chant reverberating through the bronx which i thought was clever (yaknow, for yankee fans. could it turn my stomach more to see pataki at ringside?). its a reference to a pedro martinez quote where he laments his recent performances versus the yankees. pedro wasnt pitching tonight but it was apt nonetheless. me, im rooting for boston. but i think part of the allure of boston is that theyre forever coming up just short. if they win, theyll just be a bunch of guys paid to represent a city that is known for its chowder and for a very expensive hole in the ground.


Tuesday, Oct 12, 2004

security blanket statement

security scholars for a sensible foreign policy


prehensile dementia

amateur neurology is the new black!

[link] [2 refs]


havent seen the movie and i dont have an opinion about guevara but that wont be stopping me from calling someone(s) an idiot. i just wont say who.
