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Friday, Jun 17, 2005

terrycloth lined

"Q Yes. Is there any idea how long a 'last throe' lasts for?"


Tuesday, Jun 14, 2005

can a' corn

im not particularly anxious to watch M*A*S*H but im glad to see canned laughtracks removed from sitcoms.

"And now, thanks to DVDs, you can watch "M*A*S*H" minus its laughtrack. You can see what Gelbart and Reynolds wanted to do all along, and it makes the show even better. You can actually hear and enjoy the wordplay, and the mood is much much subtler. I always enjoyed the early "M*A*S*H", but not to this degree. Without laughter it's a superior show."


Friday, Jun 10, 2005

down (ing) stre et memo rex

"Whether that same potential exists with the Downing Street memo story isn't clear. Actually, strike that -- it's perfectly clear, but only if the focus is widened to include the entire policymaking process that led up to the invasion. The memo itself may be the smoking gun, but the story is the crime, or crimes rather -- the manipulation of the intelligence, the deliberate efforts to sabotage a diplomatic solution, the use of strategic disinformation (i.e. lies) against a domestic audience, the possible forging of evidence, and, perhaps most importantly of all, the cover up afterwards, which is still in progress."


got dem home depot blues

as far as i can recall i have encountered nothing in my life nearly as moronic as home depot locking up access to exacto knives and their blades and then requiring a photo id to purchase. their concern has nothing to do with the possibility that they might be used to steal from the store because they are not at the register, and theres access to any number of more lethal weapons that are not under lock and key. so, essentially, this policy was put in place as a knee jerk reaction to a 9-11 story which may itself have been a fabrication. i should add that no record of your id is affixed to your purchase, so even if you were to, say, hijack an airplane with the intention of using it for purposes of terror, i cant imagine how they could link the two. i suppose it could be some cabal of lawyers idea of protecting home depot from some sort of liability claims but that makes it no less absurd that an orange cloaked clerk still struggling with the english language can deny me access to blades because my id doesnt meet some arbitrary standard.


downing street meme-oh

road to serfdom parses blair/bush response to downing street memo. heres where their lies go off the rails for me. how could saddam ever comply with the resolution to their satisfaction?

a) inspectors say they cant find wmd in iraq
b) our "faulty" cherry-picked intelligence says hes lying

c) we must invade immediately because.....we must, thats all!
d) oops, we were wrong, but saddam is a baddy and
e) iraqis yearn for democracy
f) except the ones who dont


get this man an intern-et, or a corner table at tpm cafe

"No chance of a Seymour Hersh blog then?

If I were smart I'd do it but I don't really care. I know a lot of journalists have put up a web page or blog but that's a bit too involved for me. I'm the type of person that when my screen blanks out, I immediately start screaming and dial my youngest son. It's a generational thing. I keep saving my work but I don't want to know anything about the soul of the machine. I just bought a new Dell computer with broadband so I could jump around the net more - I was happy with a 56k modem but everybody laughed at me."


Sunday, Jun 05, 2005

i have no doubt that this is the gods honest *cough* truth, and most likely part of his *cough* grand design for the chosen people ruling managing the *hack* universe while he goes away on vacation

why i am smarter and sicker than you.


Saturday, Jun 04, 2005

78 degrees

"Here are MP3s made from hundreds of 78RPM discs recorded between 1900 and 1930. Included are notes on the transfer process and discographic information."

via brooklyn vegan


Friday, Jun 03, 2005

how do you felt now?

"His agents probably broke into my office, and may have monitored my bedroom one night. Even as journalists hail the deeds of Deep Throat, no one should forget he was also an architect of the nefarious COINTELPRO spy program. The man truly knew a thing or two about illegal break-ins."


Thursday, Jun 02, 2005

the scum also rises

"Ben Stein. The Nixon aide, conservative gadfly and erstwhile game show host cried when reflecting on Nixon's resignation. Of the Felt story and Nixon's legacy, Stein said, "That is his [Nixon's] legacy. He was a peacemaker. He was a lying, conniving, covering up peacemaker. He was not a lying, conniving drug addict like JFK, a lying, conniving war starter like LBJ, a lying, conniving seducer like Clinton -- a lying, conniving peacemaker. That is Nixon's kharma.""
