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blue by you
"LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A federal magistrate has ordered SonicBlue Inc. to modify its digital video recorders to track what television viewers watch and share the information with the movie studios and TV networks that are suing the company for alleged copyright violations."
talent pooling
"How do you build a truly creative community---one that can survive and prosper in this emerging age? The key can no longer be found in the usual strategies. Recruiting more companies won't do it; neither will trying to become the next Silicon Valley. While it certainly remains important to have a solid business climate, having an effective people climate is even more essential. By this I mean a general strategy aimed at attracting and retaining people---especially, but not limited to, creative people. This entails remaining open to diversity and actively working to cultivate it, and investing in the lifestyle amenities that people really want and use often, as opposed to using financial incentives to attract companies, build professional sports stadiums, or develop retail complexes."
whack a mole
"Of course, there are many pundits--thousands, even. In Washington, you can spot them easily. They look much like ordinary people, but their heads are much larger. And when they pontificate, which is almost always, their heads visibly throb. During the Great California Power Crisis, plans were made to harvest this near-constant throbbing to power factories and homes, but then oil was discovered in ANWR--a close shave for the pundits. Since then, many have taken to wearing berets."
id like to thank...
national magazine award winners
my aunt whos been active in progressive movements for 25 years (i think she was even arrested along with "the anarchists" in a post 9-11 march in dc) has mistaken me in her email list for someone else. i sent her an email last time "explaining" her mistake. i add the quotes because the email i sent her could have been misunderstood but i thought that by signing it '(your nephew) david' that would be sufficient to clarify. apparently not, or else she is a closet df fan. ill post the email in comments.
"With a wary eye on technological developments, the newspaper industry is preparing for change, and even if some of the accompanying rhetoric isn't entirely convincing, convergence with broadcast and online media is the shape of things to come for newspapers."
news hounding
"Now Adelman is locked in a battle against the Belo media corporation, owner of The Dallas Morning News, which sent him a legalistic letter this week demanding that BarkingDogs.org remove all "deep links" to the DallasNews.com site."
never happen
"Former President Bill Clinton met with NBC executives Wednesday in Los Angeles to discuss hosting his own talk show, according to several television sources.
Although the talks are only preliminary, one source said Clinton's interest was serious and said he was demanding a fee of $50 million a year and had aspirations "of becoming the next Oprah Winfrey."
sunnyside up
james fallows and ralph nader are at slate's breakfast table this week.
swallow tales
"John Dean, the White House counsel whose revelations about the Nixon presidency were the first flames in the volcano of Watergate scandal, is about to turn up the heat again by revealing the identity of Deep Throat." via spike