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Tuesday, May 21, 2002

settling out

"BEER SHEVA, Israel — There is nothing that causes as much heated debate in Israel as the future of the settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. It is now clear to most Israelis that if there is ever going to be a final political agreement with the Palestinians, it will require that some, if not necessarily all, of the settlements be dislodged and evacuated. A permanent plan would have to create a Palestinian state that is compact and continuous — unlike the disconnected wedges and enclaves of Palestinian autonomy areas that were created by the Oslo accord and that have left the settlements in place. Although this reality is undeniable, the practicality of settlement removal has largely been avoided by all Israeli governments, including those of the left, even as that avoidance makes the eventual uprooting of the growing settler population more difficult."


another 24 hours

fox tv show 24 will be back for another season.


Monday, May 20, 2002

teed off


studly habits

i am shocked by these findings --

"A study released this month by the University of Rochester in New York shows that teen-agers who get anything pierced beyond their ears are more likely than their non-pierced peers to do things their parents disapprove of. Girls with body piercings were about 2 1/2 times more likely than other girls to have had sex, to have used marijuana in the past month and twice as likely to have skipped school in the past year. Boys with piercings were five times as likely to have skipped school and had similarly high risks for smoking and drinking as girls. While body piercing is becoming more mainstream, in a teen it still signals rebellion, says study author Dr. Timothy Roberts. "If your adolescent wants to have a body piercing, it is a reason to talk to them," he says."


the lone cathode ray gunman

malcolm gladwell believes philo t farnsworth should have sold out to rca.


bombs away

the most damning bit of evidence that "bush knew" is still underreported in the press. why did it take so long even after the wtc attacks for the airforce to scramble planes over washington. andrews air force base is 10 miles from washington dc. the third plane did not hit the pentagon until 40 minutes after the second plane hit the south tower. you could have towed a plane through dc rushhour traffic jams in that amount of time. the faa know almost immediately when a plane deviates from its flight pattern. so there is no rational explanation other than that they wanted it to happen or that the military is manifestly incompetent. neither option is particularly comforting.



columbia warmongering posing as news.


blog happening

chris matthews has a weblog and msnbc has a weblog tab in their opinions section. cant get much more mainstream than that.


Sunday, May 19, 2002

fear is our friend

talking points smells a rat with todays spate of bogeyman warnings. is someone trying to change the subject?


national insecurity

"If Hollywood has made one concrete contribution to democracy, it's the strong but little understood impact that movies have had on the U.S. intelligence community. A prime example is Oliver Stone's JFK. Denounced as fast-and-loose fiction by many historians, the movie nonetheless indirectly forced the CIA and other secretive agencies to fork over documents that had been hidden for decades. Incited by the film, constituents flooded Capitol Hill with letters and phone calls demanding full disclosure of government records on the president's death. As a result, in 1993 Congress mandated the mass declassification of files that might have a bearing on the assassination. The millions of secret papers that were made public didn't reveal Kennedy's killer or killers, but they did detail covert operations in Cuba, Vietnam and other early 1960s hotspots."
