Probably you can't see these because it's still too dark. The busses are super plush. Organization is amazing. Let's go.
From Merriam-Webster:
Inflected Form(s): plural bus·es or bus·ses
Yeah, we had some discussion about this. Seems like either is acceptable. My guess is that buses is the "more" correct form, but doesn't quite look right; and busses has become accepted through repeated misuse. That's just a guess though.
- jim 10-26-2002 3:13 pm
From Merriam-Webster: Inflected Form(s): plural bus·es or bus·ses
- anonymous (guest) 10-28-2002 7:14 pm [add a comment]
Yeah, we had some discussion about this. Seems like either is acceptable. My guess is that buses is the "more" correct form, but doesn't quite look right; and busses has become accepted through repeated misuse. That's just a guess though.
- jim 10-28-2002 7:26 pm [add a comment]