There are 3 buses: 31, 22, and 16 seats. We're on the 16 which seems like the nicest. We bought those motorolla walkie talkies but they barely work. Cell phones are proving more reliable.

The first round of mimosas has knocked some of our wind out. I meant to write something yesterday about the whole "rockstar" theme we've come together under. Obviously it's tongue in cheek. The idea is that anybody who makes the effort to be politically involved is a star.

It started with a small group of us going to the nyc protest. We were disappointed. It was unfocused, poorly attended, and not any fun. We wanted to see if we could make this sort of activity fun. Glamorous. We'll see. We're certainly decked out for some fun.

But yes it's serious. I mean we're the ones on the road for 10 hours in one day...
- jim 10-26-2002 4:09 pm

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