I didn't mean to watch it, but we ended up in front of a TV last night having our emotions manipulated in that all too easy way. Still, it was worth it for the highlights. Of course Imagine is the song. I mean: The Song, given the moment, the context, and the particular city. When I heard the first few notes on the piano I just thought, skeptically, "who is playing this?" as if no mere man could be up to the task. Then the big cowboy hat tipped back revealing a rather serious looking Neil Young. "He's got clearance" I said out loud, stunned, and then Gandalf, er, I mean Neil cast the spell. Perfect.

"...You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one..."


And just to show I'm not always completely swallowed by such emotional orchestrations, I'll complain that if Simon can't get back with Garfunkle for one night, do we really stand a chance of all living together on this planet? I mean, come on - a solo Bridge Over Troubled Waters doesn't really cut it.

- jim 9-22-2001 4:53 pm

Also, less importantly, last night was the first time that the lyric "have no fear for atomic energy" in Redemption Song ever made any sense to me. I'm still not sure what Bob Marley really meant, but at least in the present context it makes one kind of sense. It never seemed to fit before.
- jim 9-22-2001 5:23 pm

its sad he is not here
- Skinny 9-22-2001 9:29 pm

I chanced upon that show too, on my multiband radio which gets a couple of the networks, pbs, and fox, these clicks between reading pulp usually last seconds before I become disgusted but last night the music I caught was nice so listened to the last 30 or 40 minutes and that's exactly what I thought too, sort of, or just a general pissed offness with Paul Simon for being such a dick about Garfunkel. I thought his version sounded good though, I have to give him that, but, hell man, why you gotta be such a dick, and why'd you steal Edie Brickell, she or we'd a been better off with her left alone as a New Bohemian.
- jimlouis 9-23-2001 2:22 am

neil young was a treat. springsteen was pretty good. the willie nelson sing a long at the end could have been better orchestrated. all the actors singing along just looked uncomfortable. what? so is it simon that doesnt like garfunkel? i would have liked to hear sound of silence instead.

also, even though he looked a little rumpled, clint eastwood had the most commanding presence during his plea for assistance. i think during the remainder of the crisis they should have him deliver the lines cooked up for the role of president instead of bush. talk about you bad casting mistakes. cant you picture clint his trusty magnum in hand standing over a supine bin laden near some rocky outcrop in the afghan wastelands. bin laden is sweating. hes wondering can he reach his kalisnikov or should he just surrender.

are you feeling lucky, punk?

or maybe clint slips into mecca during ramadan only to find, in truth, a morally suspect bin laden engorging himself on wine women and song. clint lectures him about freedom and democracy and the rule of law. then bin laden will try to make a daring last ditch effort at escape and which point clint blows him away.

- dave 9-23-2001 2:51 am

It was the Gipper who sampled "make my day".
What a shame he didn't get to fight a real war.
- alex 9-23-2001 5:55 am

id even settle for charles bronson.
- dave 9-23-2001 6:00 am

"Settle" for Charles Bronsen? That's like settling for Gene Kelly.
- steve 9-24-2001 5:42 am

i dont recall gene kellys tough guy phase. was that before or after Brigadoon?
- dave 9-24-2001 7:56 am

- anonymous (guest) 12-04-2003 10:35 pm

- anonymous (guest) 12-04-2003 10:35 pm

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